A new poll has found out that most Americans lack confidence in most of the country’s institutions, including the US Congress.
The poll, published on Thursday and conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, showed that three-quarters of people feel they have too little influence on the policies made in Washington, DC, while lobbyists, rich people and big businesses have too much.
According to the poll, “Lobbyists, rich people enjoy influence in WH” comes as only six percent have a great deal of confidence in Congress and 14 percent in the executive branch, which includes the president and Cabinet.
Eleven percent of Americans say they feel the same way about the news media.
The findings cut across political, racial, economic and geographic lines and include supporters and opponents of US President Donald Trump.
A similar poll done by the same center last year found that Americans had little confidence in their political system, the government in general or in the two dominant political parties, with most expressing frustration and anger at the 2016 presidential election.
The survey also reflected lack of much confidence by Americans in any branches of the US government, particularly the legislative, with only 4 percent saying they have great deal of confidence in Congress.
Observers believe the overwhelming distrust in the American political system, especially the US Congress stems from the growing influence of special interest and lobby groups in the government bodies, leading lawmakers to serve political lobbyists rather than people who vote them into office.