The march began at Trump Plaza, a high-rise apartment building President Donald Trump hasn't owned since 1991. It still has the name.
From there, the marchers headed south, walking along the Intracoastal Waterway that separates West Palm Beach from ritzy Palm Beach island. They stopped when they reached the bridge across from Mar-a-Lago.
They brought signs and glow sticks to wave, hoping they would be visible across the dark water and the great green lawn of the club from up in the private apartment that is now the "winter White House".
If Trump sees those green lights, he'll know that his critics have followed him home.
"He likes to think that everybody loves him. We're showing him that we don't," said Lisa Wright, 53, an IT consultant from Broward County who was marching along the waterway. About 200 of the 1200 marchers made it across the bridge to the back gates of Mar-a-Lago.
And, around the business empire that Trump still owns, his critics treat each location as an avatar for the President. There have been small gestures of pique: lipstick graffiti on the sign at Trump's golf course in Los Angeles; and a plan for a mass mooning of his hotel in Chicago. There have also been more organised efforts to take time and money away from family businesses - a boycott of stores selling Ivanka Trump's clothes and a campaign to flood Trump businesses with calls demanding that the president divest from his holdings.Having sought to create unprecedented disruption in Washington, his critics will now seek to bring unprecedented disruption to his life as president - including demonstrations that follow him when he travels and protests that will dog his businesses even when he doesn't.
The risk for opponents is that protests meant to shame Trump will consume energy that could be used to beat him by winning elections and swaying votes in Congress.
A protest "gets under his skin," said Michael Skolnik, a prominent liberal organiser in New York. He said he hoped that, somehow, getting under the President's skin might turn out to be a good long-term political strategy.