Republican leaders in the US have accused Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton of being "incredibly negligent" and unqualified to be president after the FBI released a summary on the July 2 interview about her use of a private email server while heading the State Department.
"It shows how concerned the CIA and others were that the country had been put at risk," Representative Peter King, a Republican from New York, said in an interview with Newsmax.
"This is not something she can write off as being a slight mistake or that all the questions had been answered," he added. "They haven't."
On Friday, the FBI released heavily redacted documents from its three-and-a-half hour private interview with Clinton at her home in Washington on July 2.
The agency later concluded that the former secretary of state never sought or asked permission to use a private server or email address during her four years as the nation's top diplomat, which violated federal records-keeping policies.
Clinton also told the FBI she could not recall any briefing or training by the State Department related to the retention of federal records or handling of classified information.
Former Republican presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Ben Carson said Friday that the claim disqualified Clinton from being president of the United States.
"If she wasn't capable of remembering that, she definitely would not be capable of performing the duties of the president," Carson told Fox News. "And if she is lying, that disqualifies her, too."
"If she doesn't remember fundamental facts of national security like this, then she has no business being sworn in as president,” Huckabee said in the joint interview.
The presidential campaign of Donald Trump, Clinton’s Republican rival, said Friday the FBI's documents pointed to the Democratic nominee's "tremendously bad judgment and dishonesty."
"Hillary Clinton is applying for a job that begins each day with a top secret intelligence briefing," spokesman Jason Miller said. "Clinton's secret email server was an end-run around government transparency laws that wound up jeopardizing our national security and sensitive diplomatic efforts."
Paul Ryan, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, said that the documents proved Clinton's "reckless and downright dangerous" handling of classified information during her tenure as secretary of state.
"They also cast further doubt on the Justice Department's decision to avoid prosecuting what is a clear violation of the law," Ryan said. "This is exactly why I have called for her to be denied access to classified information."