Trump won both men and women, won the married and the unmarried, won college graduates and non-graduates, won high earners and low earners. He won both those who called themselves "conservative" and those who called themselves "moderate/liberal." The few sub-groups that Trump did not win included those who called themselves evangelical or born-again: Ted Cruz won that group with 24 per cent. But his victory in that group - a core part of Cruz's support - came by just a single percentage point. In second place, with 23 percent, was Trump. John Kasich won among voters who said they were "somewhat worried" about the economy, though Trump won the group that said they were "very worried." Trump lost among the voters who believed "electability" was the most important quality in a candidate: they went for Rubio.
But, astoundingly, he also won among voters who said that deportation was the wrong choice. Among that group of voters - the 66 per cent of Republicans who supported offering legal status to undocumented immigrants, the exact opposite of Trump's plan - 22 per cent supported Trump anyway. That was enough to tie Kasich for first place.
The exit polls reported by CNN showed that 66 per cent of Republican primary voters supported an idea that Trump has praised: a temporary ban on Muslim foreigners entering the United States. In that group, not surprisingly, Trump was the most popular candidate, with 42 per cent support.